Vertical Hydroponics Saves Resources And Space And Produces Quality Crops

By Ida Dorsey

As the size of the average yard shrinks and urban sprawl continues to expand, people are looking for new alternatives when it comes to gardening and growing their own fresh produce. One such method that is become increasing popular is vertical hydroponics, a technique that can be implemented indoors or outdoors and features upright planting systems that conserve both space and water and offer numerous advantages.

Hydroponic growing can be done both indoors and outdoors and it does not use soil as a medium for planting, but rather relies on another substrate such as gravel or a nutrient-enriched solution. Gardening can be done all year in an environment with no pests, and it isn't necessary to rotate crops. The stacked growth system save space and allows for a larger number of plants. The gardener has considerably more control over the nutrient levels too.

Just about any type of plant can be grown in this way. The gardener must ensure that the crops are provided with all the nutrients essential for growth that would normally be found in soil. It is not only less work and money to maintain a hydroponic garden, but it has also been associated with better quality produce simply because the grower has more control over the growing conditions.

The need for such tiring tasks as fertilizing, tilling, mulching, and weeding is eliminated with this gardening method, as is the need to worry about the crops receiving too much or too little water. Weather and ground conditions also play no role with hydroponic growing as they do with traditional outdoor soil gardening. Grow lights can be used to allow round-the-clock, year-round gardening.

If the soil in the area is poor in quality, this is an ideal alternative for those who wish to grow their own produce. It is easier to grow produce organically using this approach too since there is no need to use pesticides or weed killers. Hydroponically grown plants take the essential substances including hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon from the air which they need for growth.

Since the nutrients absorbed by these plants are properly balanced by the gardener, it tends to result in generally healthier crops and produces higher yields than those grown in soil. There is no danger of plants being deprived of nutrients or sunlight by weeds and insects, not to mention the fact that it saves money because the grower does not need to purchase herbicides and pesticides.

Although water is a key component in hydroponic growing, less of this important resource is consumed than with soil crops which must be irrigated. Plants remain in a water solution, so there is no need to continually use more water for their upkeep. It can be used even more conservatively by implementing a timer system that is designed to automatically fertilize the crops.

The consistent supply of vital nutrients also encourages faster ripening in crops that are grown using hydroponics. There is less demand placed on the plants to seek out and absorb water and nutrients from the soil as with traditional gardening methods, allowing the growing plant to develop more fully, which makes for better overall quality in both health value and flavor.

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