Some Things To Know Before Visiting Tica Ragdoll Breeders

By Mattie Knight

You are reading this article right now because you may have decided on buying a cat or kitten from certified TICA ragdoll breeders. As with any major pet decision and choice, you need to stock up on information. Hopefully this article will provide you with the much needed information to make your decision worthwhile and effective.

Ragdolls are so named since they are like ragdolls when picked up and handled. They will suddenly become relaxed and lazy while you pick them up. All these cats have the characteristic blue eyes and muscular girths and can come in a variety of coat colors. The males for this breed can easily reach up to twenty pounds in adulthood and for the females fifteen pounds.

Chosen for their being great and loving companions makes this breed a popular choice. However, it is this very friendly disposition that puts them in danger as well. Since they are too trusting, it is quite easy for them to be picked up by utter strangers, or they can easily go along with a stranger. It is thus best that they are kept indoors a majority of the time as their docile nature will not make them last long outdoors especially when put head to head with an alley cat or ferocious animal.

Cat grooming should not be an issue with this breed, since it is one of those few cat breeds that has affinity with water, that is they love it. As they do tend to get very large and hairy, they will need a lot of brushing to avoid matting. Be prepared also for hairballs as they like to lick their fur a lot. Springtime will be the time in your house that will have a lot of shed fur as they shed their winter coats.

Another important point on brushing that must be brought up is that if done properly and regularly, its fur will become nicer. This is because the brushing distributes essential oils released by the skin to make the fur healthier and shinier. In addition, regular brushing strengthens the bond between you and your pet.

Most households with children would prepare to have this feline as a companion as they play by pawing and not scratching. Thus children will be that much safer. They are also known for following you around and trying to cuddle up to you as much as possible, as befits their loving nature.

Fifteen to twenty years is about the average lifespan of this feline given that you have followed the precautions of keeping it inside most of the time to avoid accidents and infection. Also proper care and nurture are also needed to help this cat achieve its longevity with you.

A robust breed as well as a docile one, no one could ask more of the ragdoll. It is one of the more enjoyable and loveable breeds to have at home and can give its owner many, many years of companionship.

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