Tips In Finding Out A Real From A Faux Sheepskin Rug

By Jeffrey Reynolds

People always wanted to look good that is why they are very much concerned with what they wear. They do not get contented with having only one style of clothing and accessories. They always wanted to look for something better and that is the reason why most clothing lines are often releasing various kinds of clothes for almost every month.

Most clothing nowadays is always associated with the skin of animals and one of which is the sheepskin. A sheepskin is a hide or a skin of a sheep which are use for human clothing, accessories, house decorations and others. But not all uses true skins of sheep, especially in rugs, some cloth factories are just using faux sheepskin rug.

A faux or a fake sheepskin comes from the skin of the sheep and is made with artificial fibers only. They are normally used in order to be a component of certain clothing like jacket or boots. When you are planning to buy some garments but you want to have that genuine skin, here are some tips on how to find out a real from fake ones.

Glance at the brand names. Keep in mind that there are brand names which are using both the synthetic and the real ones. If you have an idea as to what brand names are using the true ones then use it as your advantage. Never forget also to be aware of those that are bringing a brand name but is actually fake.

Look at the label. A garment usually has an attached label. The label would actually tell you what constitutes the garment. The labels are often attached at the sides, especially in a garment like the jacket.

See the price. For the most part, genuine skins are really very expensive. It is because it is very difficult to obtain one. Once you see that the price is at low cost then the garment is more probably artificial.

Caress the garment. A genuine sheepskin is always smooth when you touch it. There is always this warmth and comfy feeling when you touch and caress a true skin. However, the fake skins are often rough when touching it. You could really feel the coarse texture of the skin when touching it and this because it is only made up of synthetic fibers and is blended with plastic components.

Stick a pin through it. Once you stick a pin in a genuine skin, they are likely to bounce back and it is very hard to actually push the pin right through it. This is because a genuine one has a very thick and compact composition. However, if the pin passes smoothly without any resistance then it is likely to be fake because fake skins are usually made of plastic materials which made it easy for the pin to pass through it.

Make sure that when you go to your nearest mall, you have the idea on how to detect a genuine sheepskin from a synthetic one. Various boutiques and shops claim that they offer only those garments that have genuine animal skin material. If you are not very watchful and not well informed, you may not be able to detect who is saying the truth and who is not.

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