Interesting Facts About Exotic Shorthair Kittens

By Jeffrey Barnes

When given the choice of a cat or dog, many people would rather have a feline for a pet. The attraction to a cat is because they are independent, fun to be around and most of the time, very lovable. There are many breeds of cats, so there is something for everyone. There are cats that have really long fluffy fur and there are breeds that are known to never grow fur. For those that like being in between those breeds and having a short haired kitten. A breed that is to please people that like the traits of a Persian but do not desire the up keep in a long haired cat are the Exotic Shorthair Kittens.

They were created by combining Persian cats with American Shorthair cats. This introduced a feline that greatly resembles a Persian, but without the long fur. To make them a little stockier, the breed was crossbred with Russian Blues and Burmese. The stocky build became very popular among cat enthusiasts.

When the sturdy body eventually started attending cat shows, it raised a few eyebrows because of crossbreeding. In order to be considered to register them, the blood line can only be mixed with Persians. Crossbreeding between the two creates a one in four average to have a long haired kitten. This kitten cannot be registered by the CFA, the Cat Fanciers Association. A kitten can have any of the Persian colors, all of them are acceptable to be registered.

Because of the common practice of breeding the breed with Persians, they have kept the typical Persian looks that are so popular. They are a cat that is considered stocky in build. Their broad skull is complimented by powerful jaws and large, round eyes. The coat is shorter than that of a Persian and a little longer than the American shorthair breed. They typically have the coat colors of a Persian and all are recognized by the CFA.

Not only do they have the looks of a Persian, the breed also has some of their personality traits. They are known as lap cats because of the enjoyment they get from being on or around their owners. They are often very calm but also have a lively attitude and likes to play from time to time.

Their grooming needs are another reason a lot of cat lovers are attracted to the breed. Their short hair is fairly easy to groom. Weekly brushings, the occasional bath and the cleaning from the cat itself helps keep the cat clean. Brushings are necessary to keep hairballs and shedding from getting bad.

They are also known to have a few things to consider about their general health. A couple of these concerns are because of the shape of their head and face. Tear duct issues cause the eyes to run, the drainage often causes the fur on the face to stain. It can be controlled and it is regular practice to wash the cats face with a moistened rag.

If these cats sound interesting to you, there is more information online. To find a reputable breeder in your area, do a little research, including reading reviews from previous buyers. Be sure to look at the heritage of the cat to make sure you can register it with the CFA. Only other kittens of that breed and Persians will be considered to get registration. It helps with the decision to read the reviews on the catteries.

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