Buy TICA Registered Siberian Cats

By Catherine Allen

A purebred Siberian is only purchased from registered breeders who are aligned with the relevant feline associations. The certification ensures a high standard of breeding practice, careful genetic selections and the maintenance of bloodlines to breed only the best traits. TICA registered Siberian cats are healthy, energetic and beautiful felines bred according to the highest standard of character and physical form.

When a cat is TICA registered, they are recognized by The International Cat Association, a governing body responsible for setting regulations that sellers must adhere to when breeding cats. A purely bred feline with desirable traits and characteristics will have the personality and the physical form needed to meet with breed standards. When sellers who are part of the club produce litters, these kittens will prove healthy and well bred.

Kittens must adhere to the healthiest standards including a gentle temperament and the practices that must be applied to ensure that kittens and cats have the soft long fur and beautiful personality that most are familiar with. When buying from breeders that do not possess the registration, kittens could have compromised breed standards. These kittens may not look like Siberians nor possess the desired personality.

Adhering to the necessary breed standard should provide kittens that are healthy and have received the highest levels of care for pet wellness. With the registration of TICA Siberian kittens, new owners will have peace of mind that the healthiest cats are sought. Implementing the proper steps can help find kittens to add to the new home that er well socialized and behave in a healthy manner.

Cats that are vet assessed will be ready to leave for their new homes. These types of examinations must be performed to detect any structural problems or abnormalities that will compromise the breed and have new owners disappointed with the purchase of a poorly bred kitten. Siberian kittens must receive the necessary vaccinations and worming procedure to prevent the spread and exposure to disease.

The ideal age for kittens to leave the home is 10 to 12 weeks and ensures that the correct physical and emotional development has occurred. Pets that are too young will not be adequately socialized and prone to developing poor behaviors that new owners may not find pleasing. Discuss options with seller and ensure that a kitten you are receiving meets with personality requirements and any desired coat colors.

TICA registered means that cats are bred according to high standards of health and form providing the best results. Avoid backyard breeders or compromised practices affecting the healthy condition of pets and risk that you may not own a purebred Siberian cat. When sellers are registered and reputable, it provides peace of mind that your kitten is well bred and has received the best standard of care.

TICA registered kittens sourced from reliable breeders will be advertised on the breeder website or with TICA. Before making the decision to buy a kitten, determine whether it is registered and has received the necessary care and attention from the seller before leaving for its new home. Following these measures can provide the best options for feline needs.

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