Things To Know Before Buying That Shih Tzu For Sale Tampa FL

By Douglas Gibson

Currently you may be on this article right now since you are in the market for a new pet, or even a replacement one. Some of your friends have suggested you get small dog and they have suggested a shih tzu. This sound like a good idea and since you saw a Shih tzu for sale Tampa Fl sign earlier, you might take them up on the suggestion. Before you do so however, it may be a good idea to read up on this article first.

This dog is also known as the Chrysanthemum dog and it originally is from the country of Tibet. In later years it was brought to China, although many believe it came from China no matter how wrong this notion can be. Males will attain a length of upwards to eleven inches in terms of length and females at around nine inches when they mature. When reaching adulthood they can reach up to a weigh of nineteen pounds.

Physically this breed sports big dark eyes and a very short, if not pug like muzzle. Coat texture can vary from being fine and quite long to being fairly short, wavy and coarse. Despite the different coat types, just remember that the coat needs to have daily brushing for it is very prone to tangles and mats.

Should you manage to get a dog that has the wavy and coarse kind of coat, it may be best to get the shortest haircut possible for it. Princess type haircuts should be given to the ones with the long fine hair, while teddy bear haircuts be given to those with the coarser coats.

The past decade saw an increased popularity and demand for it so much so that over breeding has somewhat occurred. It is quite possible that many shih tzu owners may actually give a puppy away for free. In a normal market do expect to pay a few hundred dollars for one however, and a bit more it has champion bloodlines. Thus it really depends on where you are in the world as to what kind of price you can get for one.

This particular breed is known to be very protective of its master and will bark and such when it senses something is not quite right. It is also known to be quite loyal and affectionate and will get along with most people and also other animals. It can get annoyed quite easily if teased too much so this kind of action must be avoided, as it will fight back.

The health of this breed can be described as hardy and quite resilient. However, it is kind of prone to skin conditions such as skin asthma and so extra care must be taken in terms of grooming and skin health. In age it will develop cataracts and reverse sneezing at night time. Quite the hungry dog, it can be seen as a glutton and so you should watch its intake and nutrition.

As such this article has given you some important basic information to guide you. Always remember to get as much information on any breed you plan on getting so that you can be a better and more responsible pet owner.

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