Do Cavachons Shed At All

By Patty Goff

Most Cavachon breeders will tell you that these precious little dogs don't shed. This might be important to you, especially if you suffer from allergies. Shedding is perfectly natural thing for dogs, but different breeds have different characteristics. Most dogs belong to moderate shedding breeds, and designer dogs in low shedding breeds. The question is do Cavachons shed.

Some level of shedding is characteristic of all dog breeds. Some breeds lose very little hair, and it is really easy to keep them tidy. Daily brushing will remove loose hair and you won't even notice any shedding. Such a low shedding probably wouldn't cause any allergy. A good bath is another way of minimizing this.

Every hair has its lifetime. It simply cannot be avoided. Some breeds such as German shepherd, lose hair all the time, plus extensive seasonal shedding in the spring. They have to lose their thick, winter coats before summer comes. Dogs kept indoors usually don't get these winter coats, and numerous breeds don't shed seasonally.

People prone to allergies are always concerned about shedding, but if you keep your dog inside the house, it might also make a lot of mess. Allergies are really caused by dead skin cells that fall off your dog's skin, not by dog's hair, but shedding affects the quantity of these dead skin cells. Higher concentration of allergens cause allergies.

There are a few simple things you can do to prevent extensive shedding or to minimize the damage. First, you need to brush your dog's coat regularly, using good quality brush. This will remove both dead hairs and dead skin cells. Special glove designed for this purpose can be really helpful, especially for short haired dogs.

This problem can be minimized if you provide good quality food for your pet. Low quality food might affect the skin quality. You could also give your dog an egg occasionally, or maybe different veggies and meat. Your vet will give you more info about it and recommend vitamin and mineral supplements, if needed.

Make sure he doesn't have fleas or parasites. If you think that his shedding is too intensive, consult your vet. Numerous health problems may cause shedding. Really dry skin could also be caused by different health issues. Dogs with very dry skin lose too much hair and leave their dead skin cells all around all the time. This can cause serious allergies.

Bathing can lower the damage sometimes, but it could also have opposite effect. It removes natural oils from the skin surface and might cause dryness. On the other hand, all loose hairs will end up in your bath tub, not all over your apartment. In any case, use very mild shampoos and special lotions designed for dogs.

Cavachons belong to so-called non-shedding breeds. It means that they shed so little that if you give them a good brush once a day, you won't be able to notice that. These dogs could have different types of coats, and some need regular trimming. This will make your life even easier.

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