The lush green lawns and colorful flower and vegetable gardens of summertime are to the dismay of most gardeners marred by the persistent presence of annoying weeds. It's a good idea for anyone with a greenthumb to find out what to use to kill weeds, preferably in a way that is safe and natural so they can enjoy a healthy garden that is not spoiled or threatened by these troublesome, unwanted plants.
Pulling weeds is still one of the best ways to eliminate them, and knowing the proper technique is necessary. When the soil is damp, pull each weed from its roots by digging down so the bottom of its root system can be removed. Afterwards they can be composted for a natural garden fertilizer.
Suffocating these garden invaders is another way to eliminate them, when their sunlight is cut off they cannot survive. This can be accomplished by cutting old newspapers into wide strips and laying them on top of areas affected by weed growth and covering them with garden mulch. Several layers of newspapers may be needed, to prevent stronger weeds from poking through.
Many store-bought herbicides contain some harmful chemicals which may hurt people or animals, instead one can prepare a homemade weed-killer that is made only of normal, household ingredients and is not hazardous. Put in a spray bottle two cups of white vinegar, one-half cup of salt, and a few drops of dish detergent and mix thoroughly. Spray directly on weeds, but avoid contact with vegetable as it may damage them.
Places such as the cracks between patio stones are susceptible to weed growth, and this can be easily remedied with salt. Either regular table salt or the rock salt used to stop ice from forming in winter both work well. Sprinkle it over the cracks, without it touching the lawn, and it will kill off weeds.
Heat and fire are also effective herbicides. The use of a regular blow-torch or a propane-powered weed scorcher works well as a spot treatment, without actually igniting the weeds, the hot flame passing over them will dry up the moisture inside them, causing them to wither up and die.
The design of an ornamental flower bed can be planned in such a way that is not weed-friendly. Some species of ground covering plants naturally keep them from sprouting up and prevent them from getting sufficient water, nutrients, and sunlight. Some examples are Walker's low catmint, Majestic lilyturf, and creeping thyme to name a few.
A process known as "solarizing" has also been proven to effectively reduce weed growth in both the current and upcoming planting seasons. This should be done during the summer to prepare the beds for fall planting activities. First rake and till the soil, eliminating any debris and dig an 8-inch deep trench around the bed's outer edges, then lay a thin, clear sheet of plastic over it, placing the edges in the trench. Fill in trenches with soil to hold the plastic in place. This should remain for 4-6 weeks after which it can be removed, fertilized and used for planting.
Pulling weeds is still one of the best ways to eliminate them, and knowing the proper technique is necessary. When the soil is damp, pull each weed from its roots by digging down so the bottom of its root system can be removed. Afterwards they can be composted for a natural garden fertilizer.
Suffocating these garden invaders is another way to eliminate them, when their sunlight is cut off they cannot survive. This can be accomplished by cutting old newspapers into wide strips and laying them on top of areas affected by weed growth and covering them with garden mulch. Several layers of newspapers may be needed, to prevent stronger weeds from poking through.
Many store-bought herbicides contain some harmful chemicals which may hurt people or animals, instead one can prepare a homemade weed-killer that is made only of normal, household ingredients and is not hazardous. Put in a spray bottle two cups of white vinegar, one-half cup of salt, and a few drops of dish detergent and mix thoroughly. Spray directly on weeds, but avoid contact with vegetable as it may damage them.
Places such as the cracks between patio stones are susceptible to weed growth, and this can be easily remedied with salt. Either regular table salt or the rock salt used to stop ice from forming in winter both work well. Sprinkle it over the cracks, without it touching the lawn, and it will kill off weeds.
Heat and fire are also effective herbicides. The use of a regular blow-torch or a propane-powered weed scorcher works well as a spot treatment, without actually igniting the weeds, the hot flame passing over them will dry up the moisture inside them, causing them to wither up and die.
The design of an ornamental flower bed can be planned in such a way that is not weed-friendly. Some species of ground covering plants naturally keep them from sprouting up and prevent them from getting sufficient water, nutrients, and sunlight. Some examples are Walker's low catmint, Majestic lilyturf, and creeping thyme to name a few.
A process known as "solarizing" has also been proven to effectively reduce weed growth in both the current and upcoming planting seasons. This should be done during the summer to prepare the beds for fall planting activities. First rake and till the soil, eliminating any debris and dig an 8-inch deep trench around the bed's outer edges, then lay a thin, clear sheet of plastic over it, placing the edges in the trench. Fill in trenches with soil to hold the plastic in place. This should remain for 4-6 weeks after which it can be removed, fertilized and used for planting.
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