Things To Consider Before Buying Ragdoll Kittens For Sale

By Sarah Lewis

Most likely than not, you are a cat lover who is reading this article right now. You most probably saw a ragdoll kittens for sale advertisement either in the paper or on the internet and this has kind of tickled your interest and thoughts on buying one. Therefore do read on in this article so that you will know what you are getting beforehand.

The cat copies its name from a turn of the century doll that is very limp and pliant. In fact this cat does become pliant and boneless once anyone picks it up and handles it. The cat is also unique in that it will possess only blue eyes and not eyes of any other color.

Quite a few cat lovers would probably agree to a consensus that it is the tamest, if not the tamest and most gentle of all the cat breeds. Since it has this characteristic, one can highly expect that it will never win a fight with any other animal, or even stray cats for that matter. It is therefore a very wise and practical move to keep it inside the house at all times to keep it safe from any encounters.

The timidity and docility of this cat may be seen as a possible disadvantage potential owners. Due to its being friendly to practically anyone, it will be quite convenient for anyone to come along and whisk it away for good. Thus this is another good reason to keep it safe from any potential cat burglars, no pun intended.

However, it is the same docile characteristics of the ragdoll that makes it very popular as well. The ragdoll is a breed that is known for its gentle playing habits, pawing only at things rather than clawing them. Thus children will be very safe around them and there will be no danger of being scratched. You will also save yourself a pretty penny from any declawing procedure.

It is recommended that you do brush its fur anywhere from two times to three times a week as its fur will easily mat and tangle. This brushing is also very important as it ensures the even distribution of skin oils necessary for healthy fur maintenance. Baths will not pose a problem for this cat as it loves the water.

Some will say that this feline very much acts like a canine a majority of the time as it loves to follow its owner around wherever they may go and also wants to be in on any activity going on. It is a cat that is not very proud or aloof, and wants to be near someone most if not all of the time.

Thus covered are some basic information on this particular breed and what you can expect to encounter once you get one. It will also pay for you to further research on health issues and health maintenance so you be really prepared. Leave no stone unturned when it comes to committing to a pet as regards info.

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