Overcoming Infertility With Intrauterine Fertilization

By Deborah Carter

One of the chief concerns of human beings since the beginning of their existence on earth has been the ability to reproduce. Fertility is a key feature in most cultures around the world. Fertility challenges have also always been an issue. The inability to conceive naturally is a concern that has bothered couples for centuries.Fertility treatments have certainly come a long way. Today people who suffer from infertility of varying types can become parents through treatments such as intrauterine fertilization.

This method is one of the many modern assisted reproductive techniques or ARTs that eliminate the traditional conception methods are offered to couples who struggle to conceive. It resolves the problems that contribute to infertility because it eliminates the need for the traditional method of conception, sexual intercourse.

This type of fertility treatment which is also known as IUI or intrauterine insemination basically involves the introduction of sperm directly into the uterus. Sometimes the sperm is treated by a process known as washing before insemination. Sometimes ovulation induction is done using prescribed fertility pills or injections. Ovulation induction and treating the sperm before insemination both help to increases the potential for a successful outcome.

Typically couples who are facing issues related to sperm health are referred for this treatment. The health of the sperm is evaluated through a semen analysis. The semen analysis reveals the shape, motility, and quantity of sperm in the semen.

Before an IUI is performed the fertility doctor will need to verify that the woman's fallopian tubes are clear and healthy. This is done through a test called an HSG. Blocked fallopian tubes make it impossible for an IUI to work as the egg must travel down through the tubes to meet the sperm, get fertilized and then travel down to the uterine cavity. Additionally, the doctor will need to verify that the woman is ovulating and is releasing healthy eggs.

Sometimes people who have no serious fertility issues use this method. For these people, the challenge with extending their families arises from other situations. Women without male partners for instance, often rely on donor sperm and this method for conception. Couples comprising men also use this method but they usually also require the assistance of a surrogate mother.

Couples who decide to go this route must be prepared for the possibility of multiples. This is even more likely when the process includes ovulation induction. For those who wish to reduce the likelihood of multiples, it is worthwhile to consider foregoing this aspect of the treatment.

The modern age has seen numerous changes in the human experience. Fertility is no exception to this as alternative roads to conception such as IUIs are making a difference in the lives of millions of people around the world. Infertility is just one of the ancient problems for humanity that has met its match through modern science and technology.

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